The BHN Steering Committee meetings are held the second Monday of every month except October and December. Meetings are open and BHN neighbors are encouraged to attend. Meetings start at 6:30 PM unless otherwise noted.

BHN Steering Committee meetings are held at Christ the King School in Marian Hall. Enter from the back entrance at Parish Hall Lobby. Ample parking is available behind the church. The BHN meeting space is graciously provided by Christ the King.

2022 Steering Committee


Scott Troxel, President

Michael Brody, Vice President

Tom Campion, Treasurer

Ruby Elshafei, Recording Secretary

Cynthia Hicks, Corresponding Secretary

Steering Committee Members

Nicole Ballard (2022)

Mike Brody (2022)

Susie Campion (2022)

Tom Campion (2025)

Adam Carter (2022)

John Ray Clemmons*

Al Cocke (2025)

Doug Dahl (2022)

Julie Dilworth (2025)

Ruby Elshafei (2022)

Gill Geldreich *

Kathy Gore (2025)

George Green (2022)

Cynthia Hicks *

Tim Holman (2023)

Tori Hughes (2025)

Mark Lopez (2022)

Lindsey Moffatt *

Melinda Newpher (2022)

Brad Poe (2025)

Quin Segall (2025)

Brett Sheriff (2025)

Pam Sylakowski (2022)

David Thompson *

Scott Troxel *

Nathan Turley (2025)

Bill Wiggins (2022)

*Past Presidents

Past Presidents

John Ray Clemmons, Tracy Patterson, Keith Durbin, Gene TeSelle, Cynthia Hicks, Penny TeSelle, Lindsay Moffatt, David Thompson, Bill Myers, Scott Troxel